What is Advertising? At its core, it is a conversation between brands & consumers. At every junction of its evolution, there's been a major contributor that unlocked new vocabulary & propelled the industry to blinding heights.
Word of mouth, newspaper, radio, television, & internet advertising have all been milestones bridging the communicative gap; evolving at every step of the way to deliver a more compelling, captivating, moving message.
Shahnt's Ethos
Dignity, Beauty, Truth
AdXR will never partake in any advertising that strays from our aesthetic standards & morals. Ads must have dignity in their intentions, beauty in their composure, & truth in their message. This is the essence of Good Advertising.
A Vision
Advertising Perfection
Advertising Perfection is less about a perfect result than it is about a perfect method. This is the essence of AdXR; a platform of powerful tools & an efficient network empowering advertisers & users to truly see & hear each other. AdXR is developing new & performant privacy technologies that benefit all.
Our Mission
Solve Advertising
We believe that through the XR medium, advertising can be solved. AdXR is built by advertisers & developers for advertisers & developers.
We understand your pain. The pain of banner blindness & unpleasant ad experiences, & undignified practices. AdXR envisions a future where that pain is relieved and our first offering, Spatial Advertising, is just the start.
Join The Team
This is a hard problem.
Our team of builders combine experience in Advertising, Physics, Economics, Software & Electrical Engineering at NASA, & ultimately
Doing Well By Doing Good
AdXR is looking for hackers & wisemen alike to be part of our team.
We believe in idea meritocracy, truth seeking, novel creation, & having fun.
We believe that an individual derives happiness from their life's work when they're allowed to “make something wonderful & put it out there” as Jobs said. This is what we do at AdXR.
We are opposed to bureaucracy, middle management, & any of the typical cancerous artifacts of the bloated monopolies that exist today.
If you're a first principal thinker, think you have what it takes to create the future with us, & want to work on Good Advertising, contact us with evidence: